Our mission is to promote change in our community and across the world by impacting the lives of others.  Come be a part of something positive and great! The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few _ Matthew 9:37


Mission Services

Every 1st Friday in each month @ 7:30 PM

Our Mission Services teach and enhance the spiritual growth and development of those who desire to work in the mission field. We follow the example of the best Missionary there ever was…Jesus Christ, who “made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant” Philippians 2:7. We also endeavor to provide messages of hope and deliverance to those who are in need of encouragement.

Pam's Pantry

Tuesday 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

We understand the challenges that many face today and that is why we support the mission to help those who are in need of food supplies. Once a week, we provide a complete meal with a serving of 2 to 4 people, which includes a variety of choices and meal options. 

Learn more about the food pantry and to get detailed instructions of how you can receive needed food items.

Bible Studies

Part of our mission is to develop and host bible studies local areas to enlighten more people with the Word of God and provide the pathway to eternal life. You are invited to join one of our local bible studies below.

  • Augusta University
    Student Union
    10:00 AM Thursdays                                                                      (Bible Study postponed due to COVID-19)

Connect with Missions if you would like more information on our bible studies or would like us to start a bible study in your area.

Community Service

We take pride in the growing area of Augusta and find ways to give back to the community and connect with those who share our vision. Jesus has much compassion for those who are less fortunate. There are many ways for you to give or volunteer. We have and support local Community events and drives throughout the year. Below are links to the resources we have for those who are able to reach and help those who are in need of support.  Never miss an opportunity to give!

Connect with Missions to learn more.

Missions Conferences

Being a missionary is rewarding but it takes work. As laborers in the ministry, we need to be equipped, encouraged, and sometimes even reminded how great the need is to fulfill the Great Commission and instruction of Jesus Christ to spread the gospel to all the nations of the world. Our conferences will leave you motivated and ready seek your purpose to do God’s will.  Our International Mission’s Convention brings missionaries together from all over the world with inspiring messages and music in several different languages.

International Missions

Augusta Worship Center is a part of the Church of the Living God International which is an organization that spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world. We also support our International Mission’s Department whose primary objective is community service, starting bible studies, and building new churches so that everyone has an opportunity to hear and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We provide support any many ways to the foreign mission field including travel to these areas which are in Europe and  South America. Click below to see those who joined our International Missions Family in 2019.